ocean inspired jewellery. ethical eco-conscious silver ring inspired by mermaid treasure and the sea

At first, there is silence.

The last crescendo is my plunge beneath the surface,

Bubbles rush past my ears, out of my mouth,

Mortal noise whipped from me as I fall further from the sky

Then the water surrounds me, fathoms below me, a sinking ageless stretch

Darkness visible weighing on my skin

Then the song begins

Bitter mimicry of Heaven’s choir, a broken angel’s memory

The spiralling call of the siren is a lullaby,

That ushers one into eternal sleep

For one hanging second, the pull and the push are equal within me

The haunting allure and the instinctual horror

Tension snaps and I reach for the surface, adrenaline a spike of electricity sparking sharp

And when my head breaks the surface, shattering the icy glitter of moonlight on gentle waves,

I swim for the shore, bloodflow deafening in my head

I do not look down as the shadow deep below mirrors my frantic path home


by Angel Blue